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This section contains a full API reference of all public functions & events related to making and tracking xchain calls.



event XCalled(bytes32 transferId, uint256 nonce, bytes32 messageHash, TransferInfo params, address asset, uint256 amount, address local)

Emitted when xcall is called on the origin domain of a transfer.


transferIdbytes32- The unique identifier of the crosschain transfer.
nonceuint256- The bridge nonce of the transfer on the origin domain.
messageHashbytes32- The hash of the message bytes (containing all transfer info) that were bridged.
paramsTransferInfo- The TransferInfo provided to the function.
assetaddress- The asset sent in with xcall
amountuint256- The amount sent in with xcall
localaddress- The local asset that is controlled by the bridge and can be burned/minted


event ExternalCalldataExecuted(bytes32 transferId, bool success, bytes returnData)

Emitted when a transfer has its external data executed


transferIdbytes32- The unique identifier of the crosschain transfer.
successbool- Whether calldata succeeded
returnDatabytes- Return bytes from the IXReceiver


event Executed(bytes32 transferId, address to, address asset, ExecuteArgs args, address local, uint256 amount, address caller)

Emitted when execute is called on the destination domain of a transfer.

execute may be called when providing fast liquidity or when processing a reconciled (slow) transfer.


transferIdbytes32- The unique identifier of the crosschain transfer.
toaddress- The recipient provided, created as indexed parameter.
assetaddress- The asset the recipient is given or the external call is executed with. Should be the adopted asset on that chain.
argsExecuteArgs- The ExecuteArgs provided to the function.
localaddress- The local asset that was either supplied by the router for a fast-liquidity transfer or minted by the bridge in a reconciled (slow) transfer. Could be the same as the adopted asset param.
amountuint256- The amount of transferring asset the recipient address receives or the external call is executed with.
calleraddress- The account that called the function.


event TransferRelayerFeesIncreased(bytes32 transferId, uint256 increase, address caller)

Emitted when _bumpTransfer is called by an user on the origin domain both in xcall and bumpTransfer


transferIdbytes32- The unique identifier of the crosschain transaction
increaseuint256- The additional amount fees increased by
calleraddress- The account that called the function


event SlippageUpdated(bytes32 transferId, uint256 slippage)

Emitted when forceUpdateSlippage is called by an user on the destination domain


transferIdbytes32- The unique identifier of the crosschain transaction
slippageuint256- The updated slippage boundary



function routedTransfers(bytes32 _transferId) public view returns (address[])

Gets a list of routers that routed a transfer by transferId.


_transferIdbytes32Unique transfer ID of a given transaction

Return Values

[0]address[]Array containing addresses of routers


function transferStatus(bytes32 _transferId) public view returns (enum DestinationTransferStatus)

Gets a transfer's status by transferId. Note - this function MUST be called on the destination chain.


_transferIdbytes32Unique transfer ID of a given transaction

Return Values

[0]enumStatus of the transfer


function domain() public view returns (uint32)

Gets the domain identifier of the chain.



Return Values

[0]uint32Domain identifier of the chain



function xcall(uint32 _destination, address _to, address _asset, address _delegate, uint256 _amount, uint256 _slippage, bytes _callData, uint256 _relayerFee) external payable returns (bytes32)

Initiates a cross-chain transfer of funds, calldata, and/or various named properties.

For ERC20 transfers, this contract must have approval to transfer the input (transacting) assets. The adopted assets will be swapped for their local (connext-flavored) asset counterparts (i.e. bridgeable tokens) via the configured AMM if necessary. In the event that the adopted assets are local assets, no swap is needed. The local tokens will then be sent via the bridge router. If the local assets are representational for an asset on another chain, we will burn the tokens here. If the local assets are canonical (meaning that the adopted to local asset pairing is native to this chain), we will custody the tokens here.

Note that _relayerFee is a parameter in an overloaded xcall method. If the call doesn't specify relayerFee, it will assume that the relayer fee will be paid in native asset (e.g. xcall{value: relayerFeeInNative}).


_destinationuint32The destination chain's Domain ID (not equivalent to “Chain ID”). See [Domains] for details TODO
_toaddressThe target address on the destination chain. xcall will send funds to whatever address is specified here regardless of whether it is a contract or EOA. If calldata is provided, xcall will additionally attempt to call xReceive on this contract.
_assetaddressThe contract address of the asset to be bridged. If the xcall is calldata-only (e.g. doesn't bridge any funds), any registered asset can be used here as long as amount: 0.
_delegateaddressAn address on destination domain that has rights to update slippage tolerance, retry transactions, or revert back to origin in the event that a transaction fails at the destination.
_amountuint256The amount of tokens to bridge specified in wei units (i.e. to send 1 USDC, a token with 10^6 decimals, you must specify the amount as 1000000).
_slippageuint256The maximum slippage a user is willing to take, in BPS, due to the StableSwap Pool(s), if applicable. For example, to achieve 0.03% slippage tolerance this will be 3.
_callDatabytesIn the case of bridging funds only, this should be empty bytes ("0x"). If calldata is sent, then the encoded calldata must be passed here.
_relayerFeeuint256Relayer fee to be paid in the transacting asset (_asset).

Return Values

[0]bytes32bytes32 - The transfer ID of the newly created crosschain transfer.


function xcallIntoLocal(uint32 _destination, address _to, address _asset, address _delegate, uint256 _amount, uint256 _slippage, bytes _callData, uint256 _relayerFee) external payable returns (bytes32)

Helper function that xcalls as normal but forces the receipt of the local (Connext-flavored) asset at destination. This function is used typically to generate nextAssets that can be used to LP into the destination chain stableswap. Params and returned data function exactly the same way as xcall.


function execute(ExecuteArgs calldata _args) external returns (bytes32)

Called on a destination domain to disburse correct assets to end recipient and execute any included calldata.

Can be called before or after handle [reconcile] is called (regarding the same transfer), depending on whether the fast liquidity route (i.e. funds provided by routers) is being used for this transfer. As a result, executed calldata (including properties like originSender) may or may not be verified depending on whether the reconcile has been completed (i.e. the optimistic confirmation period has elapsed).


_argsExecuteArgs- ExecuteArgs arguments.

Return Values

[0]bytes32bytes32 - The transfer ID of the crosschain transfer. Should match the xcall's transfer ID in order for reconciliation to occur.

bumpTransfer (native asset)

function bumpTransfer(bytes32 _transferId) external payable

Anyone can call this function on the origin domain to increase the relayer fee for a transfer.


_transferIdbytes32- The unique identifier of the crosschain transaction

bumpTransfer (transacting asset)

function bumpTransfer(bytes32 _transferId, address _relayerFeeAsset, uint256 _relayerFee) external payable

Anyone can call this function to increase the relayer fee for a transfer. MUST be called on the origin domain.


_transferIdbytes32- The unique identifier of the crosschain transaction
_relayerfeeAssetaddress- The asset you are bumping fee with
_relayerFeeuint256- The amount you want to bump transfer fee with


function forceUpdateSlippage(TransferInfo calldata _params, uint256 _slippage) external

Allows a user-specified account (delegate in xcall) to update the slippage they are willing to take on destination transfers. MUST be called on the destination chain.


_paramsTransferInfoTransferInfo associated with the transfer
_slippageuint256The updated slippage


function forceReceiveLocal(TransferInfo calldata _params) external

Allows a user-specified account (delegate in xcall) to withdraw the local asset directly. MUST be called on the destination chain.


_paramsTransferInfoTransferInfo associated with the transfer



function xReceive(bytes32 _transferId, uint256 _amount, address _asset, address _originSender, uint32 _origin, bytes _callData) external returns (bytes)

Interface that the Connext contracts call into on the _to address specified during xcall. Developers MUST implement this on the destination chain to receive incoming calldata.


_transferIdbytes32Unique id of the xchain transaction
_amountuint256Amount of token, if any, passed into the contract in Wei units
_assetaddressAddress of token, if any, passed into the contract
_originSenderaddressAddress of the contract or EOA that called xcall on the origin chain. NOTE: this param will only be populated if the transaction went through the slow path rather than being executed immediately by a Connext router (see TODO for details)
_originuint32Domain ID of the chain that the transaction is coming from
_calldatabytesData, in bytes, that is passed into xcall on the origin chain