The Connext SDK allows developers to interact with the Connext protocol in standard Node.js or web environments.
Cross-Chain Transfer
This example demonstrates how to execute an xcall
to transfer funds from a wallet on the source domain to the same address on the destination domain.
1. Setup
Install Node.js and use Node.js v18. Follow the instructions to install nvm
, a node version manager, which will make switching versions easier.
Create a project folder and initialize the package. Fill out the project information as you please.
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
mkdir connext-sdk-example && cd connext-sdk-example
npm init
mkdir connext-sdk-example && cd connext-sdk-example
yarn init
mkdir connext-sdk-example && cd connext-sdk-example
pnpm init
We'll be using TypeScript so install the following and generate the tsconfig.json
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm install --save-dev @types/node @types/chai @types/mocha typescript
npx tsc --init # or `yarn tsc --init`
yarn add --dev @types/node @types/chai @types/mocha typescript
npx tsc --init # or `yarn tsc --init`
pnpm add --save-dev @types/node @types/chai @types/mocha typescript
npx tsc --init # or `yarn tsc --init`
We want to use top-level await so we'll set the compiler options accordingly.
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "./dist",
"target": "es2017",
"module": "esnext",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
Add type
and scripts
as root-level entries to package.json
- they may already exist, so just replace them with the following.
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"xtransfer": "tsc && node dist/xtransfer.js"
2. Install dependencies
Install the latest beta version of Connext SDK and ethers.
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm install @connext/sdk
npm install ethers@^5
yarn add @connext/sdk
yarn add ethers@^5
pnpm add @connext/sdk
pnpm add ethers@^5
3. The code
First, we'll configure the SDK. Create a config.ts
file with the following contents.
import { SdkConfig } from "@connext/sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
// Create a Signer and connect it to a Provider on the sending chain
const privateKey = "<PRIVATE_KEY>";
let signer = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey);
// Use the RPC url for the origin chain
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("");
signer = signer.connect(provider);
const signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();
const sdkConfig: SdkConfig = {
signerAddress: signerAddress,
// Use `mainnet` when you're ready...
network: "testnet",
// Add more chains here! Use mainnet domains if `network: mainnet`.
// This information can be found at
chains: {
1735353714: { // Goerli domain ID
providers: [""],
1735356532: { // Optimism-Goerli domain ID
providers: [""],
export { signer, sdkConfig };
with your own private key on line 5.
Notice that the config supports Goerli and Optimism-Goerli. We've also hard-coded the origin chain provider on line 10.
Now create a xtransfer.ts
file with the following:
import { create } from "@connext/sdk";
import { BigNumber } from "ethers";
import { signer, sdkConfig } from "./config.js";
const {sdkBase} = await create(sdkConfig);
const signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();
// xcall parameters
const originDomain = "1735353714";
const destinationDomain = "1735356532";
const originAsset = "0x7ea6eA49B0b0Ae9c5db7907d139D9Cd3439862a1";
const amount = "1000000000000000000";
const slippage = "10000";
// Estimate the relayer fee
const relayerFee = (
await sdkBase.estimateRelayerFee({
// Prepare the xcall params
const xcallParams = {
origin: originDomain, // send from Goerli
destination: destinationDomain, // to Mumbai
to: signerAddress, // the address that should receive the funds on destination
asset: originAsset, // address of the token contract
delegate: signerAddress, // address allowed to execute transaction on destination side in addition to relayers
amount: amount, // amount of tokens to transfer
slippage: slippage, // the maximum amount of slippage the user will accept in BPS (e.g. 30 = 0.3%)
callData: "0x", // empty calldata for a simple transfer (byte-encoded)
relayerFee: relayerFee, // fee paid to relayers
// Approve the asset transfer if the current allowance is lower than the amount.
// Necessary because funds will first be sent to the Connext contract in xcall.
const approveTxReq = await sdkBase.approveIfNeeded(
if (approveTxReq) {
const approveTxReceipt = await signer.sendTransaction(approveTxReq);
await approveTxReceipt.wait();
// Send the xcall
const xcallTxReq = await sdkBase.xcall(xcallParams);
xcallTxReq.gasLimit = BigNumber.from("20000000");
const xcallTxReceipt = await signer.sendTransaction(xcallTxReq);
await xcallTxReceipt.wait();
Most of the parameters are hardcoded in this example. For a detailed description of each parameter, see the SDK reference for xcall.
Information like asset addresses be found in the Deployments page.
4. Run it
Fire off the cross-chain transfer!
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm run xtransfer
yarn xtransfer
pnpm run xtransfer
5. Track the xcall
We can now use the transaction hash
from the logged transaction receipt to track the status of this xcall
After the transfer is status: Executed
on the destination side, the transferred tokens should show up in the recipient wallet.